Ever stand in a lobby waiting for the elevator and then bing! the one you are standing next to happens to magically arrive? How about thinking about a friend all week "I should really call her" and then bam! you bump into them? OR how about praying to get a break somewhere in your day and then you receive a call from your dentist to cancel and reschedule the appointment you had in a few hours which PERFECTLY frees your agenda? Of course you've experience these. Now some think this is pure coincidence or luck but I insist that we make these things happen...really. Ever since I was made aware of the fact that dominant thoughts attract that which you are thinking of, I have been blessed with a power. A power that first comes with awareness and then with perspective. With their own right, many do not believe in this either because it has no scientific value or just plane cynicism "yeah ok there Ivana, you got a crystal ball or something?" to which I sometimes feel like answering that no I don't. (Strange however how that changes the moment individuals hear I am a guidance counsellor. All of a sudden, I DO possess a magical crystal ball!) But back to my law of attraction - I do indeed believe that we create much of what happens to us. The environment and our genetic predispositions play a major role in how we behave, react and in essence who we are. Yet, I still think that, stemming from that or not, exists the power of perspective: what you think will happen is most likely to happen. What you don't want to happen, if you keep projecting and thinking about it, will most likely happen as well. If you think all this is rubbish, kindly indulge me for a little while. Don't we all know it: there are some days and months even, when luck is upon us and everything goes our way. It literally feel like we are on top of the world calling the shots. Then there are the other days. Days that are sometimes more "when it rains it pours" kind of ordeal? Well, in both cases, we are responsible for it. We, our thoughts, play a major part in what happens and in the situations we find ourselves in. Not 100% always...but in many cases if not most: "be careful what you wish for" as it might actually happen. Psychologically speaking, I come from an internal locus of control view point so I may be biased, still...I believe what we project in our mind is consequently projected in our behaviors and then of course, in the world. At the source of/Creator![]() Ever notice that when everything is going great, you feel in control? You feel like a creator and that you can do anything. You are focused on the good and the positive things happening to you. You are striving to reach your goals and you are proactively DARING which stands for taking Decisions, Actions, Risks, and Expressing yourself all based on Self-love. Carpe Diem! Do it! If you concentrate all your thoughts, all your energy on certain things, you will inevitably become these things. As simple as that. You are bold, demonstrate courage, take chances and most likely use adaptive coping mechanisms. At the mercy of/VictimBut what if you are more like...stuck in a rutt? What if you don't reach your set goals or cross the finish line? What we fail to see here often is the fact that we are STILL in control. Somewhere along the way, we contributed to the difficulties we are faced with. An optimistic point of view would suggest that most of the time, crappy situations and obstacles are present to test our limits and are there to make us realize there is something to be learnt here. Did I really want this? Did I just dodge a serious bullet? Was this TRULY meant for me? Hmmm. food for thought. They are there to make us check into our self and reassess our situation. Also, perhaps it is time to DARE a little more to take charge of the situation, mentally, again. However, if all is dark and it only seems to be getting worse for too long, do reach for help from a professional. That's what they are there for :) The universe...Now I'm already hearing you say "yeah yeah ok, what else is new?" The truth is, most of us are unaware of these two states: Being at the mercy of or being at the source of. The holistic psychologist who trained me, Stephane Bensoussan, explained that to improve maladaptive coping skills and change your karma to pass from being at the mercy (hurt, being a victim to certain situations, constant bad luck) to being at the source of (creating, proactivity, abundance, joy, good luck) you must first believe in the power that you yourself already have to make changes. Becoming aware that the universe and how it responds to us is key. The moment this happens, you will notice just how much power you hold. How it's in the little things that big changes take place.
I often say in all my posts: it's the little things. During your day, ever stop to notice how many good things happened before you even got to work or started your day? Hitting green lights everywhere, finding that pair of gloves you thought you forgot, catching that metro right before the system goes down, hearing the song you were just thinking about on the radio (and no it wasn't a Taylor Swift one...ugh....). Once you start noticing them, it will create a proper perspective to being receptive and start putting those DARES into action. Next thing you know, you will start KNOWING things will happen before they do because you will have asked for them specifically but maybe still unconsciously. That is when you are truly and authentically synched with yourself and the universe. That is also when you are tapping into that power. If you find that lately, you can only see the negative, ask yourself: what is it I am suppose to learn here? What decision, action, risk do I need to take? Once again, these can be of the smallest means: taking another route home, making a phone call you were dreading (expression), getting a new hair cut? Cooking a new recipe? picking up that old violin and rediscovering it. Whatever! These are things that will inevitably shift your old ways, allow you to use skills you forgot you had and consequently, make you regain that perception of control on certain areas of your life. This fuels confidence and you are on your way to being a creator again. Every day, I ask myself just how much I think I am at the source of, and most of the time, I feel 70-90% at the source of. Some think I am naturally happy-go-lucky. I assure you, I still have my share of crappy moments. A lot. However, I believe my lucky trend and the less pleasant moments are both due in part to how I was raised and partly also due to genetic predispositions. I also believe though that I make most of them happen when I am aware of my thoughts and my perspective. Why, just last week I won a pair of hockey tickets after entering a photography contest on Instagram. The difference is, I knew I had won the moment I signed up. What about you, DARING to make things happen yet? Cheers! Bee xx |
AuthorMy name is Ivana. I love photography and meeting people. I hold a Master's in counselling psychology and work as a career consultant. Music is my fuel and an important source of energy in my life. I drive my vespa around the city and I love what I do! :) About this blog: me on my artistic soap box! My first novel!![]() Sign up to get notified with my blog updates!
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